Why add a listing?
This is the tour area of the site. Here you can see how Manchester Massage works and how your listing will appear on the site.
These are the top ten reasons to join Manchester Massage.
- We’re cheap!
- We’re local!
- We’re dedicated to being the best in the North West of England
- Users can see your premises on google maps
- You can add a YouTube video to your profile
- We have pretty category pages
- We’re user friendly
- Improve your SEO
- Select a collection of images to show potential clients.
- Join a community
1. We’re Cheap
It is absolutely free to have a basic listing on Manchester Massage but if you want to show off your business to thousands of potential new customers, then our premium listings are perfect. Starting at just £12.99, you can add pictures, videos, website links and social links to your listing.
We feel our prices are very cheap compared to some of the other directory services out there but not only that, we are specialists in the field, so you wont be advertising your massage business alongside a scrap metal merchant.
2. We’re Local.
Manchester Massage was created and is maintained by regular people who enjoy a good massage as much as the next person. All of the Manchester Massage team are North West based and are regular visitors to some of Manchester’s Massage therapists and service providers.
Unlike other big, nationwide directories, Manchester Massage is really designed with the intention of being the go to resource for connecting people with therapists specifically in the Greater Manchester and surrounding areas. There are some real benefits to this:
- We have the potential to outrank big directories in search rankings. Think of it like this: Gumtree for example, is like a giant international phone book, and we are like a much smaller local one. If you were a search engine wanting to deliver the most useful information to your users, would you give them the giant international book, or the local one?
- Brand recognition: When you stop and think about it, the only reason any non-therapist knows Gumtree today is because they either find it on the internet or another therapist told them to go there to find referrals. It is our goal to become the thing everyone points to when they don’t know where to refer someone. Eventually Manchester Massage will be known in the area and people will think of it when looking for referrals.
3. Dedication
We’re dedicated to working on our site, blogging, and doing everything we can to get Manchester Massage to be the best it can be!
In our first year we’re planning on spending at least 60% of earned income on building and advertising the site. We don’t know what other people spend on their sites, but we’re expecting that this expense will slowly taper off as we rank in search engines, but we will never spend less than 10% on advertising.
We’re going to spending a lot of time writing and publicizing quality blog posts. This is a key part of any good SEO strategy and we will be doing lots of other things to boost our rankings in search engines so that clients will find our site and see your listing.
If you’re interested in seeing some of the plans we have for Manchester Massage as well as the things we are working on and have completed you can check out our updates and changes page.
4. Maps
Users can browse locations by town and city.
Your shop or working location will appear on maps located both on search pages and on your listing.
5. YouTube Video
Only on Manchester Massage can you add a YouTube video to your listing to give potential clients a better idea of who you are and your approach to therapy.
You won’t find this feature on any of the other directory sites.
6. Categories
Users can browse and search by therapist, massage type, location, price and many other criteria, making you a perfect fit for them.
7. We’re User Friendly
Manchester Massage is easy to use.
Users can search for therapists and service providers using the search bar on every page, or by browsing through our category pages.
8. Improve Your SEO
Having a listing on Manchester Massage can help you improve your search engine rankings. Manchester Massage provides you with another quality back link to your site that search engines will see as a vote for the utility and relevance of your site. Click here to read more about how Manchester Massage can help your search rankings
As a Manchester Massage member, you can also choose to write a guest blog that would be featured on our front page and included in our social media marketing.
Click here to read more about guest blogging on Manchester Massage.
9. Image Gallery
Manchester Massage allows you to choose images to show potential clients in a scrolling carousel at the top of your listing.
10. Join Our Community
When you join Manchester Massage you’re joining a community. We are really aiming for this to become the resource for the Greater Manchester community.
This site is for Manchester and Surrounding areas, unlike many other directories that are spread out across the country/world. We plan on blogging about local news, talking about local events, and advertising locally.
We are currently in the process of setting up advertisements on public radio, for example.
Whether it be by contributing to or reading our Manchester Massage blog, connecting in person or online through social media, or just being more visible to each other and potential clients, we hope Manchester Massage will serve as a way for therapists all over the North West to connect and work together to help our community.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Search Results” tab_id=”1550788519581-3ae56c83-ca0c”][vc_column_text]When clients search for therapists on Manchester Massage the search results give them a lot of information which in turn gives you the opportunity to be seen and seen well.
At a first glance visitors will see:
- Your Name
- Your Location, on a map
- A description of your service
Plus many other features if you choose our premium listings
- Photo Gallery
- Video
- Website Link
- Social Media Links
- Plus lots more
Click Here to see a Premium Profile Listing[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_tour][/vc_column][/vc_row]